Executive Committee Meeting

This meeting will be a virtual executive committee meeting using Zoom. All Democrats are welcome. You can join the meeting with your laptop, desktop, or Zoom app, or you can ...

Executive Committee Meeting

We will be meeting via Zoom. All registered Democrats are welcome to attend. Here are the credentials to access the meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3962185066?pwd=SGptOXJZcS9xa3JxWXhwYkVhUXhZUT09 Meeting ID: 396 218 5066 ...

Executive Committee Meeting

This will be a virtual executive committee meeting conducted via Zoom. Registered Democrats are welcome to attend. Here are the credentials to access the meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3962185066?pwd=K3Zsb043NHpnYVJuUndQSVVtd2pKdz09 Meeting ...

Nominations for Precinct Committee Members

The Kentucky Democratic Party reorganization is underway, and you can get involved as a Precinct Committee Member. You can learn more, self-nominate, or nominate somebody else for Precinct Committee Member ...

Executive Committee Meeting

We invite you to join us for our March executive committee meeting via Zoom. All registered Democrats are welcome to attend. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3962185066?pwd=K3Zsb043NHpnYVJuUndQSVVtd2pKdz09 Meeting ID: 396 218 5066 ...

Virtual Precinct Conventions: Call to Order Meeting

Join the Kentucky Democratic Party for its virtual commencement of the 2021 Precinct Conventions on April 10th at a statewide virtual meeting at 10 a.m. - register here: https://www.mobilize.us/kydems/event/379077/.

Reorganization Information Session

Learn more about the Kentucky Democratic Party reorganization process. Sign up for an information session here: https://www.mobilize.us/kydems/event/375609/.

Reorganization Information Session

Learn more about the Kentucky Democratic Party reorganization process. Sign up for an information session here: https://www.mobilize.us/kydems/event/375619/.